Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ireem Job Fair

~*~ Ireem Job Fair ~*~

When: weekly on Mondays
Time: 10am to Noon SLT
Where: City Fountain
Who: All new Citizens who have lived in the city for a minimum of one week.

Due to the influx of interest in city life, we are now holding job fairs once a week for new Citizens. New Citizens are unemployed (no city role) until they have attended the job fair and been officially hired. There will be a brief RP interview where potential employees can state their qualifications for the position they are interested in, why they want the job, etc.

While new Citizens are unemployed, they may not participate in combat and must have the title "Unemployed" in their meter. Unemployment is an orientation to city life... what it means, what you can do, etc. Basically, its a time for you to make sure becoming a Citizen is right for you.

This is a permanent RP group. At any time during your unemployment, you may change your mind and join another group. After that, if you change your mind, you must discuss changing groups with me... or an admin if I'm not available.

Once hired, you will be added to the Citizen group, receive the rules, and be trained for combat. We will be holding combat training sessions on Mondays in the arena after the job fair.

Welcome to Ireem!
sassy Jaxxon - Citizen group leader and Physician

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