Monday, August 4, 2008

Sword v 0.12a

I have released the same sword as 0.12 but with more damage power. Now it goes from 5 to 8, instead of 3 to 6.
It is still based on skills.
If you are a new player, it doesn't affect you.
If you are an existing player and you have already upgraded to v 0.12, go and get one from the the red jar next to the game board at the entrance (where all pictures are).
Highly recommended :)


Unknown said...

Kora, there are five red jars ... I did not find an option for 0.12a sword. Can someone detail the procedure for getting it? I hear there is an assassin on the loose and don't wish to find myself dead or for sale.

~ Frank ~

Unknown said...

Found it! The new scimitar is not with the five jars in the entry room of the skybox.

If you face those jars, the market mall is on the right. Turn the other way, to your left, and walk into the room with the circular pool. Bear left around the pool and look for the panel with photos of "Top Players" and those of our Creators. On the floor to the right is the dispenser jar for Scimitar v.012a.

~ Frank ~