Saturday, January 2, 2010

KOS Update Sat 2 January 2010

SIM Update


Mini release:

Just because several of you asked for it, and it is fair, if you succeed in pickpocketing and you are in Non-Combatant or OOC status, you will become in Active Status (so vulnerable to damage).

If you are a prisoner or captive, and you succeed in pickpocketing, your ransom will automatically be paid for you, and YAY! you will regain your freedom. It is also a good alternative if you are broke and you really wish to be free again.

If you are OOC / Non-Combatant or a Prisoner / Captive and you wish to keep your status, it is bettery you pursue other activities.

Pickpocket is fair only if you are in a status to face consequences of your crime.

- JUST PICK THE NEW VERSION UP at the GAME ROOM, at the sky entrance. There is a sign on the WALL

The other thing coming next is the TRAINING MODE, but I haven't finished it yet, so that's why the mini-release.

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