Wednesday, December 16, 2009

KOS Update 16 Dec 2009


Various Updates:

* Version 0.37 is out! You may pick it up at the game room up at the entrance.
* Busines Rental Prices have now increased (to reflect the new economy growth)
* Taxes at Ireem will return soon
* Safezone information has been copied on the web (
* Added safezone at the auction (suggested by Anya and Mirna)
* Added a 15 seconds timeout to all safezone script - to avoid using safezone to escape capture (based on a feedback from Kylara)
* Added Last Seen On dates on web profiles (suggested by Zoya)
* The vote about the SIM rule over Group Leader election is ending tonight. Hurry up if you haven't voted yet.
* Small change in Setup, so "race/group" is replacing "group" only (This is mostly for Nomos and Golgothica, where races are more relevant)


* If you rent a business, any other store you are currently renting will NOW become available to other Ireem citizens.
Double renting is not allowed.
* Safezones didn't work for Preys who were also setup as IC/Non-Combatant. (Fixed with v 0.37)

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