Monday, June 8, 2009

Magi Leader - New Election

The Magi Leader has sent her resignation, and nominated Tim Speiser as interim leader, while we reopen the elections.

Here is the note from KCEE
Dear Magi,
It is with deepest regrets that i find i must give up leadership. My reallife demands have gotten very high, and i find that when i am in SecondLife, i am actually only here for a very short period of time.
i feel i cannot give you the leadership that you deserve and should have, so it is with deepest sorrow that resign my leadership, effective immediately.
Please give your next leader your full support, as i am sure he/she will be much more able to do the job i wish i could.
Again, i appologize for not being able to be here as i should, and as such, i think you would be better served by another.
Safe paths and warm winds,
KCEE Congrejo, Magi...former Leader

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