Friday, February 27, 2009

Knight Leader Election

We are about to start a Knight Leader Election. If you wish to be a candidate, sign up at the board at the knight camp.
Jordina McGinnis is the ad-interim leader during the election, since Dano's resignation.
Good luck!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Switching tags

While it is understandable that in your first days at KoS you may want to experience different roles to find out what is the best fit for you, later on if you keep doing it, it is *disruptive* for everybody's roleplay. So please stick with one for a while, and do not be a 5-minute tag switcher. The fact that we may give a little more freedom at KoS, please do not abuse to annoy other people by switching tags constanly. Keep up a good and consistent roleplay by sticking to one role.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Leader of Prey Council: SugarKane Twine

SugarKane Twine has won the election!
The new offices wil be ready soon ..

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Head of City Council: Ulric Dalglish

Ulric has won the election for Leader of City Council.
Congratulations! The new office will be located above the Arabesque Cafe`.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Leader of the Prey Council (2 round)

The two finalists for the second round of voting are:
SugarKane Twine, and friskie Quintessa
Preys, please express your favorite by voting again for the final election!
In 2 days we will announce the winner.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Leader of City Council: Vote now

The voting starts now!
Please read the interviews to the 2 candidates, Yelena and Ulric, on the Ireem Chonicle. It will help you to decide who is the best candidate for you!
Only citizens MAY vote. If you are not a citizen and vote anyway, Kora will take you off, so don't waste money. Voting will close in 48 hours. The board is on second floor, above the arabesque cafe, at the new and future office of the City Council.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Undead Leader: Damien Sack

Damien's words: 'Let there be darkness.....'
Sorry to let Ireemians know that the Undead elections are now over. Damien was elected by his people. Congratulations!
Cheers :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Leader of the Prey Council

Today our dearest reporter Sage published the interviews of the 5 candidates for this role! Read the Ireem Chronicles!
If you are a prey, now it is time to vote!
There will be two round of votes. THe second round will have the top 2 candidates.
Good luck everyone!

Slaver Leader: Jaril Rexen

Congratulation Jaril for winning the election.

ps: Undead have until tomorrow morning to vote for their leader.
Upcoming elections: Citizens and Prey.

Sword Damage (5 to 8)

The sword damage goes from 5 to 8 damage points, based on your skillsrate. If you see your healthrate going down higher than 8 points at the time with a specific fighter, please report it to Kora Zenovka.
I expect people playing fairly. So please do not cheat.
Someone reported a sword that gives 20 damage points. If it is true, that fighter will have the head chopped off in public execution and the remain of the body thrown to the sharks ;-)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Undead Leader: Now voting

Undead of Ireem, you may now vote for your Leader.
If you are not sure who is the best candidate, hopefully the article on the Ireem Chronicle will help you to take the right choice.
May the Hell win...
47 hours, 59 minutes...... ready?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Slaver Leader Election: Vote now!

The voting has just started. If you are a slaver, please go and vote for your favorite leader at the board. If you are not sure who to vote for, read the Ireem Chronicles!!
BTW - the voting will be closed in 48 hours. Only slavers can vote. Do not waste your dinars if you don't qualify, because I will check names.
Good luck